Past & Repast
Recipes and Remembrances from Saint Paul's Church
Edited by Julie Badger

Have you ever wanted to know how to barbecue a Whole Hog? Or how to prepare the best Low Country Boil? Find out in Tom Robertson’s chapter “Men’s Gatherings: Grilled, Fried, and Stewed with Pride” in Past & Repast. The book is both a fine collection of recipes from Saint Paul’s Church, Augusta, Georgia, and an interesting history read of intertwined events of the history of this colonial parish. According to Augusta historian Edward Cashin, “If Augusta were to seek a symbol of its history, it could do no better than Saint Paul’s Church. The buildings and grounds have witnessed every crisis in the city’s past. . .” Join in the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the church. Step into the history, legend, and continuing legacy of worship, fellowship, dedication, and service to the community.
Tom will donate all proceeds from the sale of this book to the ministries of Saint Paul’s Church.
ISBN: 0-9673155-0-6
8x9 Hardcover
24 images
159 pp
Price: $15.00
Contact the Publisher for Trade Sales:
Saint Paul's Church
605 Reynolds Street
Augusta, Georgia 30901